Tremjufilni Admin replied

337 weeks ago

Miracle At St. Anna Movie Download In Hd

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a5c7b9f00b In New York, the elder employee of the post-office, Hector Negron, goes on a rampage killing a client by shooting him with a Luger. The rookie reporter of the Daily News, Tim Boyle, follows the detectives that are investigating the case. They find the valuable head of the statue Primavera in his wardrobe. Tim decides to interview the catatonic Hector. Out of the blue, he starts talking about the 92nd Division "Buffalo Soldiers" in Tuscan, Italy, in World War II. Hector and three other soldiers - 2nd Staff Sergeant Aubrey Stamps, Sergeant Bishop Cummings and the slow Private First Class Sam Train - cross a river. However his company is destroyed by the German soldiers. While trapped in a village, Train rescues the eight year-old boy, Angelo Torancelli, who survived a massacre in St. Anna village, and they become connected to each other. As times go on, the platoon interacts with the villagers and Hector discloses a story of prejudice and betrayal in times of war.
In the fall of 1944, four African-American soldiers find themselves caught behind enemy lines and surrounded by German soldiers. They take refuge in a small Italian village that has been temporarily vacated by the Germans. In their company in a small boy, obviously shell-shocked and feverish, who seems only to speak to his invisible friend Arturo. Tensions rise among the four men not only because of their life-threatening situation but also because two of them become rivals for the attention of an attractive young woman. When they manage to make contact with their unit, they are told to capture a German soldier for questioning and with the aid of the Italian partisans, have a candidate. What they don't realize is that there is a traitor in the partisan group, one that will have major repercussion on one of the men 40 years later.
I must admit i was majorly put off by the reviews on IMDb, but i watched it anywaylooked like it had promise and i was'nt disappointed. The start although slow initially soon sped up and i was drawn into the characters and story till the end (which i readily admit cameno great surprise,but then i knew how titanic was going to end,doesn't mean it spoilt the story heh).<br/><br/>Granted some of the characters appearing in this seemed a little bit of a waste of talent, but that is just pedantic nit picking-its a good film,plenty of action,depth to main characters,and highly enjoyable.Any other comments are irrelevant in my opinion and should be ignored.<br/><br/>Overall decent film,interesting storyline,very watchable-Recommended
Already at the very beginning you understand that this is not your typical WW2 war movie. It can more be describeda drama film with a war setting, and maybe Spike Lee should have focused even more on the characters and their relationships rather than the war setting. To me, the absolute low points of the film are the action sequences that sometime makes you feel that you are looking at a war movie from the 50's or 60's, with the typical German soldier flaying their arms and falling of rooftops. Very strange. Very out-of-place with the otherwise quite serious tone of the film.<br/><br/>The characters and the story itself, with the focus on black Americans during the war I found quite interesting, and probably it is still a relevant subject even though I think Lee's usage of stereotypes is a bit too obvious.<br/><br/>Overall the quality of the film is OK. Personally I found it a bit too long but the acting was decent and both photo and sound was pleasing. If you are a WW2 buff and seriously into war films you will most likely get annoyed over some historical inaccuracieswellsub-par action sequences. For the rest of you, it could be worth a Sunday afternoon.
Half the time I wasn't sure what Lee was going for in terms of tone, or style, or focus. It was a tricky assignment to begin with, because McBride's novel, and his screenplay, is part socio-historical corrective, part magical-realist folklore, part wartime procedural.
Miracle at St. Anna is also a 2003 novel written by American writer and musician James McBride. Those who have both read the book and the script say that several themes in the book have been enhanced for the movie. The supernatural aspect has been muted somewhat, but the religious Christian aspect has been made more pointed for characters on all sides—Bufflo Soldiers, Italians and Germans. Other details were also changed. For example, Hector didn't earn a purple heart but a silver star. Rudolfo recognizes the fact that he's going to get shot and doesn't seem to have come to terms with it. (In the book, he doesn't realize until the last second what's happening and is a little more OK with his fate.) Hector barely ever looks at who comes up to the window. In the book, he looks, notices a flashy ring, and then looks to see whose face it is. (This is important to the story because it is this small detail that makes the viewer/reader realize that the Black Butterfly has exacted his revenge from beyond the grave.) The movie's script seems to draw out a sex scene that was only referenced in the book.
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last edited 259 weeks ago by Tremjufilni
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