Tremjufilni Admin replied

337 weeks ago

Watchmen Download Movies

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a5c7b9f00b In a gritty and alternate 1985 the glory days of costumed vigilantes have been brought to a close by a government crackdown, but after one of the masked veterans is brutally murdered an investigation into the killer is initiated. The reunited heroes set out to prevent their own destruction, but in doing so discover a deeper and far more diabolical plot.
Watchmen is a story set in an alternative 1985, where the world is ticking closer to the brink of nuclear war, and a plot to eliminate a band of ex-crime fighters is instigated, but why? and by whom? It is up to two of those ex-crime fighters to investigate the plot that seems to go beyond the unthinkable.
I don't know maybe after twenty some years Alan Moore was right all along, Watchmen is unfilmable. It isn't to the fault of this film which is essentially a faithful and good intentioned adaptation of the story. Maybe in all his eccentricities Alan Moore was on to something. A comic book is meant to be read and not projected in front of you. Watchmen works besta graphic novel to sit down and read and wrap your mind around. The Superhero film can be good even a masterpieceChristopher Nolan showed us last year but the comic book film well that may be a different story, particularly when we are adapting the Citizen Kane of comic books…<br/><br/>Zack Snyder is a director who I think has tremendous potential. If I were a producer at Warner Bros. he would have been my go to guy to direct Watchmenwell. For his part the film looks beautiful and has scenes that look like they were taken from frames of the original Watchmen novel. Snyder is not to blame for Watchmen's mediocrity, if anything he makes the film the least bit worthy of a view. The problem with Watchmen lies in it's screenplay which is faithful to the story but not to the spirit.<br/><br/>A word for word adaptation of Watchmen would have been impossible, essentially the meat of the story is still there. The dialogue that had so much meaning in the comic doesn't have any here. I don't know if it is because of the acting or the screenplay, but the context that Moore intended doesn't come across to the viewer. It really is disappointing because Watchmen was a thinking man's comic book. Manhattan's monologue on Mars is essentially unchanged but it doesn't engage the viewer like it does the reader.The characters are there but they aren't fleshed out and we don't develop relationships with them despite some very strong performances. Crudup is actually quite goodManhattan, but I wasn't engaged or filled with awe despite the fact that the CGI is incredible. Watchmen is a grand story with operatic scale but in the context of the comic book, the subtle details are all gone in film form. Watchmen is a story where you need the big picture to make it work and for the sake of making Watchmen a motion picture these details are there but they are passed over before we can comprehend them. The political satire, the philosophical debates, and the commentary are all but absent. What we get is the surface or the indication that they were once there. I saw Watchmen with my sister who has never read the novel, she was checking her watch the entire film. It is simply is very different in motion picture form despite being the same.<br/><br/>In these times of economic uncertainty I forked over nearly forty bucks to see Watchman with tickets and drinks included. To prepare myself for the film I bought a twenty dollar reprint of the comic. Do yourself a favor and buy the book and then rent the movie at a more reasonable price.
I have never written a movie review before, but this movie made me do it. First of all I have to say that I want my 2h 40 minutes back which I spent in the theaters watching this over hyped utter garbage. I really don't even know how to describe this but let's put it this way.. the whole concept in this movie is arguably the most ridiculous I have ever witnessed.<br/><br/>The movie was hard to followit kept jumping from scene to scene, it's plot was stupid.<br/><br/>to sum it all in one tiny word.. "Boring, keeps you looking at the exit sign near the door"
Okay, it isn't the graphic novel, but Zack Snyder clearly gives a toss, creating a smart, stylish, decent adaptation, if low on accessibility for the non-convert.
Watchmen is based on a comic series written by English writer Alan Moore and illustrated by co-creator Dave Gibbons. It was originally published by DC Comics12 issues from 1986 to 1987 and was later republished in graphic novel format. Yes. Although earlier drafts of the script had a present day background, replacing the Cold War with the "war on terror," it was ultimately decided to retain the 1985 Cold War setting,the film's producers decided that,is, there are already enough eerie parallels between the world of the graphic novel and our own. One modern touch that appears in the film is Adrian Veidt (<a href="/name/nm0328828/">Matthew Goode</a>) and Doctor Manhattan (<a href="/name/nm0001082/">Billy Crudup</a>) attempting to create a new fuel source. This is very briefly touched on in the comic: Dr. Manhattan is having a conversation with Hollis Mason (<a href="/name/nm0570385/">Stephen McHattie</a>), the original Nite Owl, at his retirement party. Mason says his occupationa vigilante has become obsolete with Manhattan coming on the scene, so he's going to retire and repair cars. Manhattan tells him that the new electric cars will soon be everywhere; there never was enough lithium to power them before, but since he can easily synthesize it, gasoline-based cars will soon be obsolete. After this point in history, there are electric cars seen frequently in the background, and one scene has a delivery man recharging his truck at a news stand. Watchmen is based on a graphic novel which emulates and satirizes the history of characters from the Charlton Comics company, which had been acquired by DC Comics. Many of the modern superheroes people know today, like the Flash or Green Lantern, are actually the second bearers of those names and, in the Charlton Comics world, there were two Blue Beetles. The first were characters from the "Golden Age of comic books" of the 1930s and '40s, when superheroes first became a growing fad. The trend eventually died away, but was revived in the late 1950s by the introduction of new characters with new costumes and altered powers, bearing the names of their wartime counterparts, thus beginning the "Silver Age", which led to superheroes becoming a permanent part of Americana. In the world of Watchmen, Nite Owl and Silk Spectre represent this pattern, with their more modern-time incarnations being the main characters, having taken off from the Greatest Generation.
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last edited 259 weeks ago by Tremjufilni
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